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The appearance of the airbag mark in the car, its causes and how to deal with it

 The appearance of the airbag mark in the car, its causes and how to deal with it

The emergence of “airbags” is one of the most important means of safety and security in vehicles, which car companies provide their cars with, in order to protect the driver and passengers from the dangers of traffic accidents. Airbags have countless benefits in mitigating the damages of traffic accidents. When the car collides with an external object forcefully, the bag quickly inflates to protect the body and head for the benefit of the driver and front passenger.

Reasons for the appearance of the airbag mark

- Damage or cut in the airbag tape.
- A malfunction or damage to the airbag sensor.
- There may be a problem with the vehicle's computer programming.
- Burning or damage to the fuse of the airbag bulb.
- The airbag bulb lights up due to a defect in the seat belt and not because of the airbags.
- In the event of dismantling the car seats and removing the plugs for the airbags attached to them for any reason, and not installing the plug again when installing the seats.

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